A Sketch of the Life of Brig. Gen. Francis Marion
by William Dobein James
Republished from the 1821 edition - (PDF
1.02Mb, 126pp) |
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$3.75 |
"A History of his Brigade, From
its Rise in June, 1780, until Disbanded in December, 1782;
With Descriptions of Characters and Scenes, not heretofore published.
Containing also, An Appendix,
with Copies of Letters which passed between several of the Leading Characters
of that Day;
Principally From Gen. Greene to Gen. Marion"
This is the 1821 biography of "The
Swamp Fox" which did much to correct the factual shortcomings of Parson
Weems' 1809 biography. Enjoy! (126pp).
The Digital Edition (Adobe PDF 1.4) is published
in portrait orientation; extensive footnotes appear on the pages in which
they are referenced; fully-searchable, fully-printable. Buy all three below - $3.00 |