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~ Indian Wars ~
Colonial America Europe American Revolution New Jersey Other Titles

History of the Indian Wars
by Henry Trumbull
Republished from the original 1846 edition - (PDF 1.98Mb, 244pp, 4 illust)
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King PhilipThis classic blood-soaked indictment of Indians recounts some 300 years of depredations, massacres, torture, kidnapping, intrigue, and hatred. Beginning with a summary of the adventures of Cortez and Pizarro (mostly based on the contemporary writings of historian William Prescott), the author details the Indian wars in New England and concludes with the more recent expeditions against Tecumseh, the Seminoles and Black Hawk.

Soldiers in King Philip's War
by George M. Bodge
Republished from the original 1906 edition - (PDF 4.24Mb, 637pp, 10 illust)
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Raid at HadleyA key genealogical reference: "Official Lists of the Soldiers of Massachusetts Colony Serving in Philip's War, and Sketches of the Principal Officers, Copies of Ancient Documents and Records Relating to the War. Also Lists of the Narraganset Grantees of the United Colonies, Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut" plus much more.

The work is introduced with a general history of the Indian Wars in New England (1620-1677), which explains in detail the causes of the various conflicts which led to the uprising of King Philip. Individual chapters are devoted to the captains of the many companies of soldiers from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Each contains a full genealogical overview, a narrative describing his service in King Philip's War, and the detailed pay lists of soldiers serving under him. Appendices provide additional information related to military affairs in New England.

Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
by herself
Originally published 1680 - (PDF 374Kb, 47pp)
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Mary Rowlandson was one of the lucky ones. She was made captive and lived amongst the Indians for several months until she was "redeemed." This classic narrative is a rare documentary of an actual historical event, coupled with the strong-willed author's interpretation of the affair as a religious experience.

."On the tenth of February 1675, came the Indians with great numbers upon Lancaster: their first coming was about sunrising; hearing the noise of some guns, we looked out; several houses were burning, and the smoke ascending to heaven. There were five persons taken in one house; the father, and the mother and a sucking child, they knocked on the head; the other two they took and carried away alive. There were two others, who being out of their garrison upon some occasion were set upon; one was knocked on the head, the other escaped; another there was who running along was shot and wounded, and fell down; he begged of them his life, promising them money (as they told me) but they would not hearken to him but knocked him in head, and stripped him naked, and split open his bowels. Another, seeing many of the Indians about his barn, ventured and went out, but was quickly shot down. There were three others belonging to the same garrison who were killed; the Indians getting up upon the roof of the barn, had advantage to shoot down upon them over their fortification. Thus these murderous wretches went on, burning, and destroying before them."

The Life of Mary Jemison
by James E. Seaver
Originally published 1824 - (PDF 1.84Mb, 112pp, illustrated)
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Who was taken by the Indians, in the year 1755, when only about twelve years of age, and has continued to reside amongst them to the present time.

An Account of the Murder of her Father and his Family; her sufferings; her marriage to two Indians; her troubles with her Children; barbarities of the Indians in the French and Revolutionary Wars; the life of her last Husband, &c.; and many Historical Facts never before published.
Carefully taken from her own words, Nov. 29th, 1823.

An APPENDIX, containing an account of the tragedy at the Devil's Hole, in 1763, and of Sullivan's Expedition; the Traditions, Manners, Customs, &c. of the Indians, as believed and practised at the present day, and since Mrs. Jemison's captivity; together with some Anecdotes, and other entertaining matter.

Mary Jemison has become something of a regional icon. She had Indian husbands, and raised several children by them. Unlike most of the other white captives, she was perfectly happy living with the Senecas. The story of her life was incomprehensible to many Americans in the 1820s - it is now an important record of a lifestyle long lost and forgotten.

The Indian Massacres of Wawasink
During the American Revolution
by Abraham Garret Bevier
Originally published 1846 - (PDF 521Kb, 54pp)
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Published in 1846, this curious little book recounts the days when Indians prowled the countryside, kidnapping children and mercilessly scalping their parents. This blood-soaked account of frontier New York (generally east of the Catskills) prominently features several of the author's ancestors, as well as better-known figures from the Shawangunk, Wallkill, and Wawarsink neighborhoods. Episodes relating to the rough treatment of Tories during the American Revolution are particularly interesting.

Wacousta: The Prophesy; A Tale of the Canadas
by John Richardson
Originally published 1832 - (PDF 2.65Mb, 386pp)
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Wacousta is a tale of the conspiracy of Ottawa chief Pontiac, who organized an alliance to drive the English from the lands of the Indians after the French and Indian War (1755-1763). The author was the first Canadian novelist to write in English, and John Richardson (1796-1852) still ranks as one of Canada's literary icons.

Wacousta is not really an Indian, but an Englishman masquerading as an Indian to achieve his revenge. However, he is not really an Englishman, either, as he had served in Montcalm's French army at the battle of the Plains of Abraham (1759). Therein lies the essence of the Canadian soul, a combination of English, French and American features - both good and bad.

Legend of the Shawangunk
by Philip H. Smith
Originally published 1887 - (PDF 2.13Mb, 209pp)
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The author has drawn on a variety of sources to present a history of the Shawangunk region (pronounced "Shon-gum") and its early settlers. Like so many 19th century local histories, this blood-soaked account of Indian rampages and depredations preserves the glory days of the colonial era. Accounts of the Esopus Wars, Huguenot settlers, Tom Quick, Indian massacres, Catherine DuBois, the Battle of Minisink, and other important events of the colonial and Revolutionary era are presented with spirit and style. The book also preserves a variety of tales relating to important regional landmarks, such as Sam's Point, The Traps, and New Paltz. There are about a dozen original illustrations.

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Digital Antiquaria
Colonial America Europe American Revolution New Jersey Other Titles