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This masterfully crafted and unabridged eBook includes all of the original illustrations, maps and portraits. The higher-resolution maps of Perth Amboy are freely downloadable below. The Digital Edition (Adobe PDF 1.4) is published in portrait orientation; fully-searchable, fully-printable. |
The selection of the siteOrigin of the name of AmboyProposals for building and peopling the TownPlans of Samuel Groom and Gawen LawrieViews of the Proprietaries in reference to the Seat of GovernmentCHAPTER II: THE SETTLERS
Thomas Rudyard, Gawen Lawrie, Samuel Groom, William Haige, William Dockwra, Benjamin Clarke, George Keith, The Campbells, The Scotch Immigrants by the "Henry and Francis," John Forbes, James Emott, John Barclay, Stephen and Thomas Warne, Thomas and Robert Fullerton, John Reid, Miles Forster, David Mudie, Garret and Walter WallCHAPTER III: THE CITY
Its first CharterIts progress under itNotices of the place by different writersIts second CharterLast act of IncorporationPopulation at different timesCHAPTER IV: THE CITIZENS
None of the original families leftCauses of the changeThe Gordon FamilyThe Johnstone FamilyThe Sonmans FamilyThe Willocks FamilyThe Lyell FamilyThe Harrison FamilyThe Kearny FamilyThe Farmar FamilyElias BlandThe Skinner FamilyThe Nevill FamilyThe Barberrie FamilyThe Watson FamilyThe Parker FamilyThomas BartowThe Sargant FamilyThe Stevens FamilyThe Bryant FamilyCHAPTER V: RESIDENT GOVERNORS
Robert HunterWilliam BurnetJohn HamiltonFrancis BernardThomas BooneWilliam FranklinCHAPTER VI: RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS
Protestant EpiscopaliansPresbyteriansBaptistsMetliodistsRoman CatholicsCHAPTER VII: PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PLACES
The Town or Court HouseJailsThe StocksThe Old MarketThe BarracksThe Office of Provincial RecordsBrighton HouseInns and TavernsThe SpaThe CoveTower HillThe Wreck of the CaledoniaCHAPTER VIII: TRAVELLING FACILITIES
Early routes and roads through the ProvinceFerries at different pointsTransmission of the MailsEstablishment of Post OfficesThe Carriage of Passengers and Transportation of MerchandiseDifferent Stage RoutesIntercourse between Newark and New YorkCHAPTER IX: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS
Early Educational SchemesCommercial ProjectsFairs and RacesThe Public Bathing DayFires and EnginesThe Pirates and Their Hidden TreasuresSlaveryLotteriesCHAPTER X: EVENTS DURING THE REVOLUTION
Operations of the Armies in the district of country north of the RaritanPredatory ExcursionsLocal IncidentsCHAPTER XI: WOODBRIDGE
Its Settlement and subsequent HistoryAllotment of land among the SettlersTheir namesLists of the Deputies to the General Assembly and of Town OfficersNotices of the Old FamiliesHistorical Sketches of the Presbyterian and Episcopal CongregationsEducational SchemeAppropriations for Schools and for Support of the PoorMiscellaneous ItemsCHAPTER XII: PISCATAWAY
List of the SettlersTheir respective quotas of landThe Town OfficersReligious CongregationsExtracts from the Town Books,&c.ILLUSTRATIONS: Map of Perth Amboy as Originally Laid Out; Map of Perth Amboy as it was in 1823; Portrait of Governor Franklin; Portrait of John Watson, the Painter; Portrait of Rev. Edward Vaughan; Portrait of Governor Burnet; The Seal of the Eastern Proprietors; The Seal of Perth Amboy; George Willocks' Residence; The Graves of the Billop Household; View of the Parker Mansion; View of Old St. Peter's Church; The Presbyterian Church; The Baptist Church as First Built; The Methodist Church; The Old Court House; The Old Jail; The Old Market; The Barracks; The Office of Provincial Records; Brighton House; The Long Ferry Tavern; Trinity Church, Woodbridge
A.: Alexander, James; Allen, John; Allen, Rev. John; Allen, Jediah;Anderson, John; Andrews, Rev. Josiah B.; Andrews, Solomon; Aswell, Ned; Allison, Richard; Antill, Edward; Arnold, Robert; Arnold, John; Arnold, Benj. F.; Angus, Captain John; Angus, Samuel; Asbury, Francis; Ayres, Obadiah;B.:; Baldwin, Jesse; Ball, Edward John; Ball, Ezekiel; Barber, Major F; Barberrie, Peter; Barberrie, John; Barberrie, Lambert; Barberrie, Oliver;Barberrie Family; Barclay, Robert; Barclay, David; Basse, Jeremiah; Barton, Rev. Wm. B.; Bartow, Thomas; Bland, Elias; Bland Family; Bradford, William; Brazier, Francis; Beach, Rev. Abr'm; Beeker, Captain; Belcher, Governor; Bell, Andrew; Bend, Rev. Joseph J.; Bernard, Gov'r Francis; Berry, Henry; Berry, Henry, Jr.; Brewster, John; Beman, John; Berrien, John; Billop, Christopher; Bingley, William; Bishop John; Brinley, Edward; Brinley, F. W.; Boacker, John; Bodine, Peter; Bogs, Lawrence; Bollen, James; Boltwood, L. M.; Bonham, Hezekiah; Bonham, Nicholas; Boone, Gov'r Thomas; Boudinot, Elisha; Bloomfield, Dr. Moses; Bloomfield, Joseph, (Governor); Bloomfield, John; Brook, Rev. Mr.; Brown, Rev. Isaac; Brown, Mrs. Sophia; Browns, William; Brown, John; Broughton, John; Buchanan, George; Buckaloo, Frederick; Bunnell, Judge; Bunnell, Isaac; Burdge, Uriah; Burnet, Governor William; Burnet, William; Burnet, John; Butler, Anthony; Bruen, Thomas; Bruen, Alex. M; Bruen, Matthias; Bryant Family; C.: Cairns, (Carnes), Alexander; Campbell, Lord Neil; Campbell, John; Campbell, Archibald; Campbell, Rev. Colin; Campbell, Margaret; Carré, Louis; Carteret, Philip; Chandler. Rev. T. B; Chapman, Rev, James; Clarke, Benjamin; Clarke, John; Craig, Ursula; Crawford, John V.; Cluck, John; Chipchase, Rev. James; Crips, William; Cockburn, John; Coker, Thomas; Colden, Cadwallader; Compton, George; Compton, James; Compton, Mary; Conger, John; Conway, Captain; Cooke, Rev. Samuel; Cooper, David; Cooper, Dr. Miles; Cooper, Thomas A.; Corbett, Thomas; Cornbury, Lord; Cory, Rev. Benj'n; Cosby, Gov. William; Coxe, Daniel; Cromwell, John; Cross, Rev. John; Crowell. David; Crowell, Joseph L.; Cuming, Rev. F. H.; Cumming, John N.; Curtting. Rev. Mr.; Cuyler Henry; D.: ; Dayton, Elias B.; Drake, George; Drake, Simeon; Deare, John; Deare, Jonathan, (Major; Deare, Stephen; Delvey, John; Dennis, Samuel; Dennis, Robert; Desbrow, Griffin; Dessigny, Peter; Dexter, Lady Barney; Dickinson, General; Doby, John; Dobbin, James; Dockwra, William; Dodsworth, John; Douglas, Rev. Wm.; Dun, Hugh; Dundas, James; Dunham, Edward; Dunham, Edward W.; Dunham, Elijah; Dunham, Benj.; Dunlap, Wm.; Duyckink, Major; E.: ; England, Poole; Everard, Sir Richard; Eier, William; Elliott, Andrew, 141.; Emott, James; F.: ; Faesch, John Jacob; Faitout, Aaron; Fairholme, Johnston; Farquerson, Alex'r;Farley, Henry; Farmar, Samuel; Farmar, Jasper; Farmar, Thomas; Farmar Family; Frazer, John; Frazer, Dr. Thomas; Franklin, Benjamin; Franklin, Governor William; Franklin, William Temple; Fenwick, John; Fletcher, Rev. Seth; Freeman, Thomas; Fitz Randolph, Capt. Nath'l.; Forbes, Arthur; Forbes, John; Forbes, Cleaveland A.; Forbes, Joseph D.; Ford. Samuel R.; Ford, Edwin; Ford, Wm. J.; Ford, Charles; Forster, Miles; Frost, William; Fox, Thomas; Fox, John; Fullerton, James; Fullerton, Thomas; Fullerton, Robert; G.: ; Gage, Family of ; Gates, Gen'l Horatio; Gascrie, John; George II, King; Greenland, Henry; Gibb, John; Gifford. Archer; Gilman, Charles; Gilman, John; Gillmer, Rev. David R.; Gilpin, Rev. Edwin; Griffith, Benjamin; Griggs, Richard; Griggs, John; Goelet, Peter; Golding, Joseph; Golding, Lewis; Gordon, Charles; Gordon, Thomas; Gronovius the Botanist; Gordon Family; Groom, Samuel; H.:; Haige, William; Hale, Sarnuel; Hall, William; Hall, Eber. H.; Hall, Edward J.; Haliday, Rev. Thomas; Halsey, Rev. Job F.; Halsted, Matthias; Halsted John; Hamersley, Andrew; Hamersley, L. C.; Hamilton, John; Hamilton, Gov. Andrew; Hamilton, Wm.; Hamilton, Charles; Hampton, John; Hardenbergh, Jacob R.; Hardy, Gov. Josiah; Hart, Thomas; Harped, Gilman; Harriman, Rev. John; Harriott, James; Harriott, Samuel; Harrison, John; Harrison Family; Harrison, William; Harrison, Wm.; Hawks, Rev. F. L.; Hay, Andrew; Hay, Adam; Haynes, Jonathan; Hazard, Aaron; Heard, Gen. Nathaniel; Heard, General John; Heard, John; Heathcote, Caleb; Henderson, Rev. Jacob; Henderson, Rev'd Matthew H.; Henry, Michael; Herriott, John; Hicks, Whitehead; Hicks, William; Hodgson, William; Hooper, Robert Lettice; Hooper, James; Hornblower, Josiah; Howe, General; Howell, Captain, 326.; Bode Family; Hude, James; Hude, Adam; Hughes, Rev. Philip; Hughes, Richard; Hull, Thos. M.; Hull, Benjamin; Hull, Hopewell; Hunter, Governor Robert; Haley, Elisha; I.: ; Ireland, John; Iseltine, Isaac; Iseltine, Matthew; Isleton, Jacob; Inglis, Thomas; J.: ; Jackson, William; Jamison, David; Jaques, Henry; Johnstone, John; Johnston, Andrew; Johnstone Family; Johnston, Heathcote; Johnston, John L.; Johnston, John; Johnston, Lewis; Johnson, Col. Robert G.; Jones, Rev. Alex'r, D.D.; Jones, Rev. Henry V.; Jones, Rev. Jasper D.; K.: ; Kearny Family; Kearny, Philip; Kearny, Ravaud; Kearny, Michael; Kearny, James Hude; Kearny, Lawrence; Keene, Charles; Keith, George; Kennedy, Archibald; Kemble, Peter; Kent, Stephen; Ker, Walter; Ker, Rev. Nathan; Ker, Rev. Jacob; Ker. Samuel; Kidd, William; Killingworth, Rev. Thomas; King, William; King, Robert; Kinsey, Benj. D.; Knight, Madame,; Knowles, Thomas; L.: ; Lawrence, Dr. John; Lawrence, Judge; Lawrence, Etlingham; Lawrence, Jonathan H.; Lawrie, Gawen; Leacock, Rev Humble J.; Leigh, James; Lent, James; Leonard, Samuel; Leslie, George; Lewis, John; Livingston, Chancellor; Little, George; Livingston, William, Governor; Lockhart, George; Logan, Mr., of Philad'a.; Loggans, Thomas; Longstreet, Captain; Loofborrow, John; Lovelace, Governor, Lord; Lowe, Cornelius; Lyell, Fenwick; Lyell Family; Lyric, James; Lytheby, Capt. Philip; M.: ; Madison, James; Maginnis, Capt. Robert; Makemie, Rev'd Francis; Mandeville, Betioni; Manning, John; Marsh, Hugh; Marsh, Eliae; Marsh, Joseph; Marsh, Thomas G.; Martin, Jeremiah; Martin, John; Martin, Rev. Wm. M.; Martin, Luther, of Baltimore,; Matthie, John; Maurice, Benjamin; Maurice, Charles F.; Meiss, Henry; McKean, Rev. Robt.; McLellan, Robert; Mercer, Archibald; Mercer, William; Meredith, Captain; Merritt, George; McIlvaine, Bishop; Mills, Rev. Henry; McKnight, Rev, Charles; Moore, Rev. Thorowgood; Moore, Capt. John; Moore, Rev. Richard C.; Moore Matthew; Moores, Samuel; Moore, Samuel; Morgan, General; Morgan, James; Morris, Governor; Morris, Chief Justice; Morton, Rev. Andrew; Montgomerie, Governor; Munson, Medad; Mudie, David; Mundy, Zadoc; N.: ; Neilson, William; Nevill, Family; Nevill, Samuel; Nevell, John; Nicholls, James A.; Nicholls, William; Niven, William; Noe, David; Nugent, Sir George; O.: ; Ogden, David; Ogden, Robert; Ogden, Col. Samuel; Ogden, Gabriel; Ogden, Capt. Jonathan; Ogden, Josiah; Ogden, Captain; O'Brien, Daniel; Ogelly, Rev, Fred'k; Ormston, Joseph; Odlum, Digby; P.: ; Paine, Jedediah; Palmer, Joseph; Palmer, John; Palmer, Rev. Mr.; Palmer, Robert; Parker Family; Parker, Elisha; Parker, James (1); Parker, James (2); Parker, James (Printer); Parker, John, Colonel; Parker, John.; Paterson, William,; Paterson, S. V. R.; Paten, James; Pattersone, Rev. Thomas; Partridge, Richard, Colonial Agent; Pratt, Rev. H. E. E.; Putland, Heron; Perth, James Earl of; Perthuck, Rev. Edw'd; Pettit, Charles; Preston, Rev. John; Pierce, Daniel; Pierce, Joshua; Pierson, Daniel; Pierson, Caleb C.; Pierson, Rev. Abra'm, Jun'r.; Pierson, Rev. John; Pike, John; Pike Family; Pinhorne, William; Pintard, John; Q.: ; Quin, Rev. Thomas; R.:; Randall (Fitz Randolph), Capt; Rattoone, John; Rattoone, Robert; Read, Joseph; Reading, John; Reckless, Joseph W.; Redford Andrew; Reed, Bowes; Reid, John; Rigg, Margaret; Riggs, Rev. Elias; Riddell, Rev. Archibald; Ritchie, John; Robinson, Coronel Beverley; Robinson, Sir Wm. Henry; Rodgers, John R. B.; Roe, John; Roe, Rev. Azel,; Rogers, Robert; Rolph, Hannah; Ross, Dr. Alexander; Rowland, Rev. John Hamilton; Rudyard, Thomas; Rudyard, John; Rusco, Captain; Russ, W. S.; Rutgers, Harmanus; Rutherfurd, Walter; Rutherfurd, John; S.: ; Salsbury, Rev. Benj.; Sargant, Samuel; Sargant Family; Savery, Peter; Sayre, Gerard; Sharp, John; Shaw, Rev. Peter H.; Shaw, Captain; Slack A.; Stakes, Dr.; Schapps, Cornelius H.; Strahan, William; Strang, Christopher; See, John D.; Selover, Daniel; Selover, Cornelius; Semple, Alex'r; Schenck, David K.; Shepard, Rev. Samuel; Sleight, Abraham; Sleight, Cornelius; Spencer, Rev. Elihu; Stelle, Margaret; Stelle, Thomas Gordon; Stelle, Gabriel; Stevens Family; Stevens, Richard; Stevens, John; Stevens, Gen. Ebenezer; Stirling, Lord; Simson, Rev, David; Skinner Family; Skinner, Rev. William; Skinner, Cortlandt; Skinner, Stephen; Skinner, John; Skinner, Thomas; Smith, John; Smith, William Peartree; Smith, Rev. Isaac; Smith, William (Historian); Smith, Richard; Smith, Joel; Smith, Rev. Sam'l S.; Smith, Charles McK.; Spieren, Rev. George Hartwell; Stites, Richard W.; Stockton, Richard; Sonmans Family; Sonmans, Peter; Scot, George, of Pitlochie; Spotswood, Gov. ; Stout, Harman; Stubbs, Rev. Alfred,; Schuyler, John; Schuyler, Col. Peter; Stryker, Rev. Peter; "Sylvanus Americanus,"; Smyth, John; Smyth, Andrew; Smyth, Laurence; Smyth, Frederick; T.: ; Talbot, Rev. John; Tappan, Abraham; Taylor, Joseph; Tenbrook, Johannes; Ten Eyck, Philip; Tennent, Rev. Gilbert; Terrill, William; Terrill, Sophia; Terrill, John; Terrill, Captain; Trent, William; Tomlinson, B. H.; Thomas, William; Thompson, John; Thompson, E. B.; Thompson, William; Thompson, Ab'm.; Thorp, Norris; Thorp, David; Thorp, Robert A.; Throckmorton, James; Turnbull, Thomas; Turnbull, Captain; Tuite, James; Tyrrell, Henry D.; Tryner, George F.; U.:; Upton, Dr.; V.: ; Van Cortlandt, Stephanus; Van Horne, James; Van Horne, Cornelius; Van Kirk, John; Vaughan, Rev. Edward; Verplanck, Gulian; Vesey, Rev. Wm.; Vicars, Captain Robert; W.: ; Wade, Rev. Nath'l.; Wait, David; Wait, John; Wait, David T.; Wall, Walter; Wall, Garret; Wall, John Galen; Wall, Garret D.; Walker, Alexander; Wallace, Hugh; Walters, Captain; Warne, Stephen; Warne, Thomas; Warren, Sir Peter; Warren, Lady; Warren, John G.; Waterhouse, Dr. John; Watson, John "Merchant"; Watson, Peter; Watson Family; Watson, John, "Painter," ; Watson, Alexander; Watson, John R.; Webb, John; Webb, Abraham (1); Webb, Abraham (2); Webster, Rev. Richard; Weiser, Jacob; Willocks Family; Willocks, George; Wilson, James; Wilson, Rev. Nicholas; Winder, Samuel; Whitaker, Rev. Nath'l; Whitefield, George; Whitehead, William; Wright, George; Woglum, John P.; Woodbridge, Stephen G.; Woodbridge, Samuel E.; Woodruff, Abner; Woodward, Captain; Y.: ; Young, Robert; Young, John; Youngs, Rev. Joshua
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